Doctor Fitting Female Patient With Hearing Aid

Did you know that 48 million Americans suffer from some form of hearing loss whether they are diagnosed or not? Choosing between all of the various types of hearing aids can be challenging for someone who has recently been diagnosed as there is a lot to consider!

Hearing loss can be hereditary, or it can be the result of an ear injury, exposure to loud noise, or disease. Luckily, there are various types of hearing aids that can help you live your best life and regain your hearing. 

If you are or suspect that you may be one of those 48 million people experiencing a form of hearing loss, it’s time to take action. Read on to find out what may be the best hearing aids for you and where you should go to seek advice.

Types of Hearing Aids

First, let’s take a look at the two main types of hearing aids. Each has its pros and cons, so taking your preferences, lifestyle, and medical needs into account when choosing is important. After you’ve done your research, go check out the New Amplifon Hearing Clinic for a consultation.


In-The-Ear (ITE) hearing aids fit just as described – they go directly into the ear canal. A mold or print of your ear canal will be taken to make sure that the device fits comfortably.


Behind-The-Ear (BTE) hearing aids also fit just as described – behind (or sometimes on top) of the ear and send a receiver or speaker into the ear canal. The benefit to BTE hearing aids is that they don’t block the whole canal.

Styles of Hearing Aids

Each type of hearing aid has a couple of different styles to choose from. Again, the success of each style will be dependent upon your lifestyle, preference, and medical needs.

Invisible in the Canal (IIC)

A style of In-The-Ear hearing aids, IIC aids go down in the ear canal to a point where they are barely noticeable. In terms of being discreet, these are obviously a popular choice – especially for those with only mild hearing loss. On the other side of the coin, they can be hard to retrieve if your fine motor skills have been affected at some point in life.

Completely in the Canal (CIC)

Another type of ITE, CIC hearing aids function almost exactly the same as IIC aids, the only difference being that they don’t sit quite as far down in the ear.

In-The-Canal (ITC)

In-the-canal hearing aids are not quite as discreet as the previous two we discussed. However, their batteries do tend last longer because they’re a bit bigger. Many often come with a few options such as volume control and directional noise control.

Low-Profile (No acronym!)

Another style of ITE hearing aid, these work exactly the same as the ITCs above. However, they are even less discreet and can be somewhat uncomfortable. Folks with trouble using their hands will find them much easier to use, on the other hand.

BTE w/Ear Mold

No, not the dirty green fungal variety of ear mold, an actual mold of your ear. These are often considered the most technologically effective style of hearing aid, and they work best for people with severe hearing loss.

Just like a regular BTE, these sit behind the arch of the ear and extend a tube to the opening of the ear canal.

Receiver-In-The-Ear (RITE)

RITEs sit outside the ear with a tube and speaker the rest in the ear canal. They are one of the few styles that can come equipped with rechargeable batteries. 

Visit the Professionals

Sounds complicated, right? Well luckily for you (here’s lookin’ at you BC), there are new experts nearby. They can help you with which types of hearing aids and which style is best for you, the different types of hearing aid batteries, and the cost of hearing aids.

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