
Before learning how to play Squardle Sunday, it is recommended to master the normal Squardle game. The game requires you to guess 5 letter words in a square game board. It will show the letters in the right position on the board. It is a fun, quick game that has many variations.


Squardle Wordle is a word game based on Wordle by Josh Wardle. It is a challenge for you to type words in a five-by-five grid using only the letters on the board. The game uses color squares to help you locate the letters and type the words on the board.

In the first level, you have 10 chances to guess each word. You must type the letters in the right order to complete a square. The more you fill in each square, the more chances you have to guess the first five words. The game can be shared through social networks, too. Once you’ve completed all squares, you can share the daily challenge on your social networks.

The next level is more difficult than the first one. Once you have done this, press the enter key and it will appear on the screen. You can use the virtual keyboard or the physical keyboard to complete the task.

Squardle Wordle is an online word game that you play by typing a five-letter word into the on-screen keyboard. The words are color-coded, and letters with black clues will appear darker. Those with other colors will appear lighter. There are ten guesses in total, and you have a chance to guess the correct words if you fill in each square correctly. Once you have the correct answer, you’ll win.

Squardle Wordle is a fun way to share word data on social networks. You can share it with your friends or post it on your social networks. Its color-coded flags are great for sharing on Facebook or Twitter. The only catch is that you can only play the game once a day.

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