Does your body hurt?

The CDC reports that about 50 million US adults suffer from chronic pain. It causes Americans to seek medical care more than anything else.

Pain can come from a number of sources, both physical and psychological. Many factors can influence the onset and severity of it, including seasonal changes.

Read on to learn how the weather may affect your pain level and how you might find relief.


Regardless of the state, you call home, you will experience seasonal changes to some extent. Many places experience hot summer highs and freezing summer lows.

According to the National Weather Service, many places around the United States may even experience 50-degree fluctuations within one day during certain seasons! Any temperature changes, but especially extremes, can increase chronic pain.

Hot Temps

While the sunshine makes most people more active, it wreaks havoc on some. The heat causes vasodilation, meaning small blood vessels expand and fill with more blood.

This can lead to swelling, especially for people with chronic inflammatory conditions. Inflammation presses on nerves and stretches tissues, causing pain.

Stay in the air conditioning when possible to combat this. Drinking extra water and moving around will help flush the excess fluids from your system. Avoid salty foods in the heat, as they will add to the water retention.

Cold Weather

While cold weather may ease inflammation, it can create discomfort for people who suffer from oversensitive nerves. They may experience muscle aches and joint pain all around the body.

Though this may make you want to rest, remain active to keep your blood pumping and body warm. Hydrate to keep your joints lubricated and lessen the pain.

Stay warm. Dress properly for the weather and invest in a high-quality heated blanket to ease your aches at night.

Barometric Pressure

When the atmospheric pressure changes, you may feel it in your body. Both high and low pressures can result in different types of pain.

When the barometer drops, less atmospheric force on the body causes tissues to expand. This may lead to inflammation as well as achy muscles and joints.

Like with temperature changes, increase fluid intake and stay active. Tylenol or Motrin may help as well.

As pressure rises, some people develop barometric migraines. These headaches can feel debilitating.

Ice the head and neck to ease the pain. Avoid laying down for long periods of time, as this will only increase the pressure in your head.

Yoga and relaxation exercises may help as well. You may need a medical professional, so know your options.


Do you feel the rain coming on? Thickness in the air also occurs in your tissues.

This causes aches, and pains for those suffering from arthritis. Gentle stretches can help the joints from becoming stiff and bring healing blood flow into the area.

See if spicy foods help! Capsaicin, the active component of spices, serves as a powerful anti-inflammatory. Ginger tea may help as well!

Decrease Your Pain Level

Don’t let the weather get you down. Enjoy the changes in seasons by following these tips to decrease your pain level.

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