How To Clean Walls and Ceilings in Your Homehousehold and people concept - man with cloth cleaning wall at home kitchen

According to a National Cleaning Survey done by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), American homeowners like to spend an average of 6 hours each week cleaning their homes.

Stains, messes, and dirt often get overlooked. It seems easier to just not notice them. But, those nasty things can crack your vinyl flooring, ruin your wallpaper, and make your ceiling look dimmer than it should.

Not cleaning the walls and ceilings in your home may seem like a small thing. But it’s something that you should focus on. Not only do all three of these things contribute to a clearer and healthier home. But they can also be cleaned relatively simply.

Learn how to clean walls and ceilings here.

Start With a Dusting

Before you start cleaning your walls and ceilings. It’s important to remove any dust or cobwebs that may be present.

A good way to clean walls and ceilings is to use a microfiber cloth or a dusting brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner. Starting with a clean surface will make the rest of the cleaning process much easier

Use the Right Cleaning Solutions

When it comes to cleaning walls and ceilings, you’ll want to use a mild cleaning solution and avoid any solutions that are harsh or abrasive.

A simple mixture of water and dish soap can usually do the trick. If you’re dealing with more stubborn stains, you can try a diluted vinegar solution.

Tackle Tough Stains With a Sponge

When it comes to cleaning tough stains from walls and ceilings in your home, a sponge is your best friend. Add a little water and scrub away.

For tough stains, you may need to use a little elbow grease. But a sponge will make quick work of most stains.

Once you’ve applied your chosen cleaning solution to the stained area, it’s time to start scrubbing. For best results, use a soft sponge or a microfiber cloth. Be sure to scrub gently, as you don’t want to damage the surface of your walls or ceilings.

Rinse With Clean Water

Once you’ve finished scrubbing the stained area, it’s important to rinse it with clean water. This will help remove any residual cleaning solution that could end up leaving streaks or spots behind.

It is best to do this on a monthly basis to keep the walls and ceilings looking clean and fresh. This guide does not only limit to cleaning homes, this could be applicable to your office, church, or school.

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Let the Area Dry Completely

After you’ve rinsed the cleaned area, it’s important to let it dry completely before you move on to the next step. This will help prevent any water damage to your walls or ceilings.

How to Clean Walls and Ceilings The Right Way

If you are wondering how to clean walls and ceilings? It’s actually a fairly simple process. Start by dusting any cobwebs away with a broom or duster, then move on to wiping down the surfaces with a damp sponge or cloth.

Be sure to rinse your sponge or cloth often to avoid streaking. Once you’ve given the walls and ceilings a good cleaning, be sure to vacuum or mop the floor to finish the job.

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