Are you finally getting ready to get the straight superstar smile you’ve always wanted? Getting Invisalign aligners is exciting, but it’s also a huge investment. You want to make sure that you’re doing everything right so you don’t waste your time or money. 

Plenty of people who are new to clear aligners make some serious mistakes in Invisalign care. These mistakes could harm aligners, harm your teeth, and potentially lengthen your treatment time!

Keep reading to learn about a few of the most common mistakes so you can avoid them.

1. Eating With Your Aligners In

The first and worst mistake that you can make when it comes to keeping your aligners in good condition is not taking them out when it’s time to eat or drink anything aside from water.

When you eat with your aligners, not only are you going to experience discomfort, but you also risk warping or breaking your aligners. Hot drinks may also warp your aligners. It takes several weeks to get new aligners, so if you’re not ready to move onto your next set yet, this can set you back. 

Foods and drinks can also stain your aligners. Stained aligners make your teeth look discolored! 

2. Not Rinsing Aligners

Even if you take your aligners out when you eat or drink, you’re not done with your Invisalign care. You have to rinse them and put them in a safe place when they’re not in your mouth. 

Rinsing them off will help to get rid of any grime that’s accumulated on your aligners between cleanings. 

You don’t have to do a deep clean every time you remove them, but rinsing will make it easier to clean them later. Always remember when to rinse Invisalign aligners. 

3. Soaking in Mouthwash

So when it is time to clean your aligners, you don’t want to make the mistake of soaking them in mouthwash. It seems like the obvious choice, but in reality, cleaning Invisalign trays in mouthwash is not doing much for your aligners at all. 

Instead, buy aligner cleaners or denture tablets. Put them in a cup of warm water and allow the aligners to soak while you eat dinner. When you’re done, brush the aligners with a soft toothbrush and pop them back into your mouth. 

4. Not Taking Care of Your Oral Health

This isn’t about the aligners themselves per se, but it is a key factor when it comes to overall Invisalign care. You need to be taking care of your oral health while you’re wearing your aligners. 

You need to brush your teeth after every time you eat a meal or drink something sugary. This helps to prevent bacteria buildup in your trays. Oral health maintenance is a part of your regular Invisalign maintenance. 

Make sure that you’re visiting a “dentist near me” regularly so they can check up on your Invisalign progress and make sure that you don’t have any cavities during your treatment. 

Avoid These Mistakes in Invisalign Care

You’re spending a lot of money to perfect your smile. Don’t waste it by making these mistakes in Invisalign care! As long as you take good care of your aligners, your treatment time will fly by.

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